ahhhhhh... the rain.. it's lovely. i just wanna get married right now.. hehe
so, we came back a long time ago (last saturday) and this is the only time i can yak about it.. i guess, being old and weary just made me way, way mellowed down... everyday when i get home, sitting on the sofa, watching TV... in just a few minutes, i feel soooo sleepy already i wanna hit the bed as quickly as i could.. shesh! whatever happened to me?!? i guess spending hours in the gym did it in for me. but i really can't complain... if people say i look "good" these days.. that's very rewarding.. so, i'll press on and continue to sweat it out, drop the weight, suffer more pain, hurdle with the equipments, pop some supplements, eat properly (diet is one letter short of die) and continue to focus.
well, the team building slash summer outing slash rainy days slash field trip was good. though i fumbled in some of the activities slash games and lost my breath with that sprint-kindda-pass-the-torch competition.. thanks to me, we were beaten soundly by just a few seconds cos i fell hard on the tires... but we won a few.. enough to save face.
we had some pretty tough task that day... mr. gary, our facilitator, did warn us about how physical it was gonna be... the theme alone says,"Beyond Limits." wow, we're supposed to encounter things that are, well, beyond us. i was pretty fit to do all that but we all went and dive into it without warming ourselves up... a very important factor for any rigorous physical activity. Lebron James warm-up for three hours before their winning game against Detroit Pistons... and it paid well for him and his team. so, the first game that needs some quickness and agility, i went ppfffffttttt... lost my breath and disoriented. but, as the activity went on, i was like a diesel engine... the warmer i get, the better i did.
of course, the highlight of it all was the party.. that is, after all the hoopla... my tech peers were having rum and extra joss as booze... we can't possibly party there without that most important poison party peps should have - alcohol.
we consume a few liters here and there and by party time, i was lock and loaded...
more beers flowed into my table as we brought along 4 kegs of it... i can sense my ears burning like hell.. hehe.. but what can i say, even with all the hotties and the bootilicious humps, i was as tame as my doberman dog...
there was the videoke singing contest and i was told there was some disco dancing? i may have skip that part or was too drunk to remember, or my friend, arden's just messing with my head, but i swear i didn't remember anything of that nature.
finally, even with all the nice chatters from everyone at the party, i wasn't gonna let the night slip away without me dipping into the pool... exactly the cure i needed from that burning sensation.. again, after a few paddles, i was catching my breath once more... deym! oh well, with alcohol flowing from my arteries, that should keep my heart in trouble pumping and filtering blood that goes in and out of it.. but as always, i came through... i was like a kid sliding down on those slides... smiling sheepishly and grinning all over..
great! the whole party peps move their beerfest right beside the pool... once again, i had that less needed beer replenishment.. hurrah!
finally, the pool is closing down... but not after i slid down a million times in the slides, thank you.... went back to the place where we partied earlier and found my pal, olem. he's been belting out all night his favorite songs at the videoke machine.. it's almost like he had the mic's wire tied to his neck so no one can take it away.. ahaha!
he beg me to sing.. but sorry, i don't sing with amateurs... hehe.. we shared some "vital" information and gave him a few advice... but i wasn't really sure if there's anything substantial about the whole chitchat thing... i was tired and drunk and all that was left of me - is a tinny winy sense of mind.. if there's even a bit of it...
i remembered being at our bed (me and val shared the same bed) but i don't remember how i got there... practically slept with my wet clothes on! and, the aircon was blowin' like crazy.. perfect!
woke up with a sore throat and a grumbling stomach... i didn't eat much the night before.. good thing, breakfast was ready... gorged three plates of fried rice, scrambled eggs, some tocino and broiled fish...
went back to bed cos i've got a feeling i'm not feeling well... later that morning, some of the guys were saying they are going out to island hop... what, island hop?!? ummm, no thanks.. i guess, sleeping with your wet clothing on and having the aircondition set to full blast isn't a good idea after all.. cos the whole time i was suppose to enjoy that morning, i spend it in our room listening to music...
some guys went to finish off the beers... had a few shots here and there (again) but later decided against it cos we'll be riding the bus in the afternoon and it'll be hard to take a leak later... so, free beers, no more.
went back to the city with coughs and runny nose to boot... the enjoyment scale, with 10 being the highest? i'd say sex. err, i mean six.
some picture may follow soon, but in the meantime.....