Friday, September 29, 2006

i don't think i wanna write anything today.... it's time consuming.

nothing's coming out of my brain anyway. must have been due to my alcohol and nicotine withrawal days, huh?

the only time i get to think about posting anything sensible is when i'm driving; be it on a two-wheeled or a cage. of course, the best time i wanna mess around here is when my bloodstream overflows with alcohol more than my leukocytes. other than that, it would be any other day like today. boring.

anyway, just "migrated" this blog to beta blogger. it's almost the same but with a few refinement (haven't tinker with the whole thing just yet). i think this one's a lot better. try it!


so we've met again. i mean, that girl i told you before, we've met again. well, she never ceases to amaze me (us actually). at 23, ladies and gentlemen, the lady is a pimp. that's right, your vision was correct when you read, "pimp." so, i was right all along about my impression on her. get this, her "units" are coed's. yeah, that's right... college girls still wearing their uniforms when they're about to be pick-up. and, the cost of goods er, service -- whatever, you ask? between 2 to 5k. no wonder she likes hanging-out in those high-end bars.... to sell her "wares."


lately, there's not much action going on in my daily routine. actually, there is but ain't worth mentioning here at all. my routine has been work-home-work. to be honest, i like it this way. after all the times we've spent before in you know where, i really could use a breather.... from alcohol and nicotine, that is. i've been reading a few stuff, learning new skills and spending more time with the family... very ideal set-up, isn't it? let's just say i like it this way at the moment and i wouldn't exchange it for anything in the world... (ow c'mon... too cheesy!)


my best friend, earl, texted me the other day. his work application abroad finally, after nth times of trying, had been given the green light. i'm excited for him but at the same time, sad. see, no matter how many friends i may have today, this guy, without a doubt, is the best of 'em all. simply put, nothing compares to this guy.

we've been through thick and thin since the time when underwear was passé.... i hope he makes it BIG out there and come home filthy rich.

[to be continued]

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