Wednesday, May 02, 2007

goodbye aida, lorna and fe

my neck's got some kindda allergy.. wonder where i got this. a few days ago it was itchy, now it's giving me some sulky feeling... let me remember the ways...

the damn beddings of our "love nest" must've been the penetrator! err, i mean, perpetrator...i can only count with my one hand the times it's been replace with a new one.. like yesterday!

or it could be the water.. since our water is pump all the way from down under, it could have suck some unwelcome entities along the way.

shit, could be my shirt/s. seems our house help had been slacking lately since she's decided to "stay-out" of the household. worst, she's two months preggy. oh, what am i supposed to expect from her staying at her boyfriend's house, pray the rosary? and so, that explains the nauseating smell emanating from my clothings.. her lackadaisical drive to deliver effective and efficient service. tsk tsk tsk....

or it could also be from the gym... you know, the rust from those bars, the sweat from all the people who've used the benches, handles and plates... they've dried out there and formed a very potent germs or bacteria... that must've been the CULPRIT!

ahhhh, i can only wonder.

meanwhile, went out last saturday night purposely to pay my debt to a friend. since the other week i was at my other friend's bar, Beach Roots, got drunk and forgot to pay my bills, i decided to go back and "clean up my acts."

we had a few rounds and as usual, i got drunk again.. went to some sleazy bar (me only cos i was trippin')... y'know, the whole nine yards.. boy, did i have fun? hmmmmmm... a bit but i felt a few regrets after. as i drove back home, i got really, really sleepy driving the motorcycle. you know, the breeze during the wee hours of the morning.. the chill... i was there driving super drunk and wasted... i almost got into an ACCIDENT!

the next day or hours later, woke up famish and ate everything on sight. a week of hard labor and pain to shape-up... all went down to nil. GREAT!

so now, i'm not going out unless it's really a special occasion. make no mistake about it, i still enjoy the feeling of being inebriated and getting that "high" feeling, but life's got new meaning for me now... i see things differently and better. i don't think i will waste my time for that purpose anymore unless i have to. i can't even find the time to paint our room and the other rooms in our house, or rip my music CD's back to my PC (which i missed listening a lot), or fix the arrangement of my brother's room (which is where i usually hang around), or go to the rooftop where the white lady roams around, etc. etc. etc.... yet i still have time for a good freaking time?!?

nah, i've had my days with all that nightlife and fun. i'm happy for my friends who're happy with their lives... but i guess, this definitely is the curtain call for me... time to bade nightlife goodbye.... i love you... but i won't miss you... mwah!

unless of course, this babes lure me back....

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