Wednesday, July 15, 2009

could have, should have


to me.

well, i think i can forget about this blog. there ain't much action going on around here. outside it is.

been busy being swole and sore.. yah, i find it more rewarding... exhilarating..

if only i could transmit my thoughts in here like in an instant, it'll be like twitter.

sooooo much information would've been transcribed and it would have been, crap, boring!!!

nope, i'm not a member and no plans whatsoever. ya hear that, ya facebook farm-town-fanatics??!

anyhoo, i'm ready to hit the sack yet again... i'm sore now, alright.. tomorrow, i'll swell.. cos mah muscles are gonna be bursting outta my shirt, homie!

lotsa love, babe.