Saturday, August 15, 2009


*cough* *cough*

i dunno what's causing the effin' sore all over my upper body.. is it the all-out ballz-to-the-wall workout or that steamy two-hours of "hard" massage i had which both happened yesterday.

oh yeah, the massage left a real nice good imprint on my memory.. ha ha!

i dunno. maybe i have a dirty mind or t'was just a little "cutting edge" the way they do things in there.. she practically rode me and our bodies rubbed on each other half the time.. like her *uhm* is thisclose for comfort to mine.. whatever. didn't do nada.

i assume it was just it - clean massage.

i stepped it up a notch in the gym... yet i'm supposed to back off this month to give my body a much needed rest.

thus, the much needed massage once in a while.

oh yeah, hate it to break it to ya...

i'm back bitches!

what can i say, i dig taylor swift....