Sunday, October 25, 2009

breakfast at tiffany


well, it's early in the morning.. been waking up this way for eons now.. i would wake up otherwise if i had a choice..

sad news. a buddy of mine just left for the US yet again. didn't i mentioned a few post ago that most of my pal ain't here no more??

what can i say?? looking for a greener pasture, i guess.

well, his family (wife and son) are there already, so it's exciting for him to go while in most cases, they have to leave their families behind.

anyway, i'll miss that guy cos he used to be my gym buddy. we both have so much respect for each other.


meanwhile, i've gotten really stronger in the gym, thank you. i guess when you put your mind into something, you're really bound to go somewhere, yeah?

what's really amazing or shall i say a feather on my cap, is that i got there training with a little help and not much supplementation.. i do have a double servings of caffeine and ten grams of creatine a day. that's about it.

eating five to six meals a day is a routine.. if i skip a mid-morning/afternoon meal, i'll be damn.

i wish it'd be simpler.

anyway, thanks to torrent, i can finally watch the Eraserhead's reunion concert.


chowin' out!