Monday, November 30, 2009

judgement day

am not out of the woods yet.

i'm trying to stay calm. tomorrow, the verdict should be out.

i did it.. not because there's so much to gain.. but lotsa pressure from all corners.

more reason to have a change of perspective, yeah?

i'm pretty psyched and prepared.. sorta.

anyhoo, i was pretty strong at the gym earlier.. broke some PR's.

for squats, all in kilograms, started with 40 x 3, 80 x 3, 120 x 3, 160 x 3 and lastly, 180 x 3, then i drop the weight back to 160 x 5 all the way down 40 x 5.

same goes with the deadlifts except that at the top of the set, i only managed to get it to 170 x 3.. probably because my CNS' pretty toasted by then.

all these lifts, by the way excludes the bar which is roughly about 40 pounds, give and take.

basically, i've gone over 400 pounds on both lifts today and i'm pretty happy.

got this protocol somewhere and tweak it to my liking.

so, even though what i'm about to face tomorrow is a huge distraction, i still manage to squeeze out some serious workout and even broke a few PR's.

i'd rather not worry...