didn't vote today. most of the feedbacks i've heard from people who went out to vote didn't paint a rosy picture.. much less from the media.. i'm better off sleeping than go out wait for hours.
it's supposed to be faster cos it's the first time COMELEC (commission on election) implemented a computerize/automated system.. but shit man, i don't like waiting for hours standing under this weather condition. worst, my walkman phone isn't working. so, just imagine the boredom it's gonna take.
not that i tried. i did went and check out my voting place (public school). didn't made it through my precinct, however. traffic jam and a shitload of people all over the place was a scary sight. either those folks are campaigning (giving leaflets, etc.) or were stuck with the long queue of people who're also waiting for their turn.
in contrast, most places where no public school in sight look like ghost town.
i was expecting it to be more convenient, what with the automation mambo-jambo, but it turned out to be worst than the manual system!
yep, i'm better off sleeping... i worked out harder today since the gym ain't too busy. set a new PR with my half-squat from the pins.. it's almost 500 pounds baby!
my lower back feels like its been run over by a truck.. no, a bulldozer best describes it!
anyway, congrats in advance to the winners! i'm sure the election will do just fine one less vote from me.