i've been having a blast in the gym lately. cardio had been "exciting." yeah baby!!
been doin' lotsa sprints and that summit trainer thang... it's a lung buster, mate!!
and then add to that the whole lotsa lifting where i try to incorporate all that reading and fuse 'em all into one helluva routine --- it's a killer!
so yeah, everything about workin' out and breakin' sweat, it's pretty covered-up and still consistent.
i'm still sore from doing some back and biceps routine yesterday... today was hamstrings. guess i overtrained yet again, huh?
i got a li'l caught with 'em shebang of things... ya know, movin' some weight, work, earn that much needed moolah and all sorts in between..
yeah, that pretty much sums up how i roll... it's too bad i'm getting predictable.. i hate it when i come to that.
i take everything as a challenge. even though work had pretty much doubled or tripled up since early this year, i'm still coping nicely. sadly, i also depend on other people and when they screw up, all that hard work i put up goes down the toilet.
i guess that's life... sometimes you wish you can do everything on your own so things gets done.
in my "business" kissing ass is the norm. no matter how pissed you are with this particular person, ya gotta be nicey-nicey... or else, something "bad" is goin' to happen.
still eight minutes left... to get my effing IOS5 update, that's what!
memba what i said about fusing 'em drafted post?
you're reading it. chiao!