Sunday, February 12, 2012

of PR's and explosion

two. three. one.

yes, i one-rep-max two hundred and thirty one pounds of iron today.. not too shabby, yeah?

i did the max effort method. just load the bar one bit at a time then rep it for three 'til things got heavy.. then when i'm about nearing my max, i just went for singles. took a three minute break in-between. that's what's nice when i do bench on Sundays. i don't have to worry about the next person who might wanna use the rack cos it's really quiet on Sundays.

plenty of time to recuperate and not rush into another set cos mr. quarter bencher can't wait to use the effing equipment.

i wish i can do that weight for reps like what i see in Youtube where metheads just go do it like it's too darn easy.

it would probably take a good forever to bump the weights up, but hey, whatever man, as long as i'm inching forward i'm happy.

some days, you're the strongest freak, but on some, you just feel flat.

my right elbow had been feeling surreal though... i wish the nagging pain would just go away. guess it comes with the territory and well, old age. thanks to the good Lord above, i don't feel anything other than... hmmm lemme check. LOL!

brag: OFF.

by the way, i, or we did have an explosion days prior, but that would be posted some other time and in really , really cryptic way that you have to be a rocket scientist to figure out wuz dem explosion all about. hee hee..