Sunday, March 04, 2012

the Corruptor

"Corruption is our protection. 

Corruption keeps us safe and warm. 

Corruption is why you and I are prancing around in here instead of fighting over scraps of meat out in the streets. 

Corruption is why we win. "

from the movie, Syriana.

why i quote that? well, a lot of people think they are holier than thou... as if they aren't corrupted as well. hah!

look in the mirror, buddy. 

really hard.

i'll count the ways... later.

fact of the matter is, we are hard-wired to do the sinful thing. that's not a new concept. it's written and had been proven a million.. no, make that a gazillion times.

naw, before you crucify me, read history. in fact, read Genesis 3.

come back here when you're enlightened.
