there goes the darn bug again. got some runny nose and been coughing a lot lately... what else? aches all over. joint paints abounds... it's all downhill from here.
don't feel like blogging for the nth time yet again.
my Rottweiler was successfully dragged down from the rooftop by none other than moi. he was pretty adamant. he didn't wanna go down the stairs without a fight. i win, obviously.
we have this new inflatable pool up there so it's not safe for the kids to hang around with him dog also. he's barking like hell when they're there enjoying the pool and it pisses the neighbors. ya know, his bark isn't like any ordinary bark... it's really loud and annoying cos he seems to not get tired doing all that. he is downstairs barking like crazy right now. duh?!?
Neil is getting better with his guitar playing and mah little Angel Mitch is getting bigger everyday. it's cool how this kids are growing up. it's like watching miracles everyday... one day they do this and that and i'm kinda amazed at how quickly one can learn how to play this instrument and the other is grasping a bagful of tricks on her own.
is starting to pile-up after months of less than stellar sales. well, it's good money-wise. when we're not selling, it feels like our morale is down and scarcity in terms of finances is obvious.
so yeah, thanks for everything, good Lord.
when there was drought, we relaxed a bit... recharge, sorta. and when the monsoon came, it was time to put our game face. i hope we're ready. lets make it personal: i hope i'm ready.
still sore from the training session yesterday. i can feel my immune system getting whacked from overtraining, but heck, one good, loooonngggg night sleep and it should feel better.
tomorrow, is a brand new day.
looking. forward.