Monday, January 21, 2013

the irony.

i was blabbing about how my command center is now impossible to breach in my previous post. yesterday, while we were out, somebody destroyed the railing that's supposed to secure the window on the second floor. obviously, it was a burglar. he/they would have had a field day if it took me a few more hours to get back home. we don't know if the culprit managed to get in or got disrupted when i went home around nine in the evening.

i got paranoid when i went up to feed the dogs and saw the railing is already bended and the jalousies, misaligned.

it's a good thing i took a vacation leave today. had time to fix that portion that had been compromised. the thing about that area, it's pitch dark at night. there's still no neighbor behind it except one. so i went up and had the a light installed there. my buddy, Earl is perfect for this job since electrical is his forte.

too bad he's too busy now with the family, new baby and work.

definitely, there's a lot that needs to be done here to make it more secured when people are out. there's just so many places where the thieves can enter.

so many things to do, so little time...