Monday, April 29, 2013

blogging takes a back seat for God knows when.

this room which is supposed to be my "War Room" is infested! hah! yeah, with my two kids, that's what.

i kinda like writing when it's serine and no noises and no clingy little girl always wanting to get cuddled... not that it's a bad thing.. in fact, i like it a lot! my boy, Neil is all grown up and he's not that sweet little boy he use to be.. but i'm too happy for him growing up cos i can rely on him on some things that needs getting done.

i can't wait for him to be seventeen so he could start driving. well, at sixteen he can get a student permit and me being a holder of a "pro" license can actually sit on the passenger's seat with him taking charge of the wheels. that's perfectly legal to do.

my little angel is showing signs of smartness. she likes to talk a lot even non-sensical things. that's really good cos even though she's not taught by any responsible adult in the house, she's gutsy enough to really try.

sister is coming in next month, tentatively.

gotta keep my fingers crossed cos sometimes things don't happen the way it's supposed to.

anyway, this is what i'm taking about.. my place being taken over by "aliens".


Monday, April 22, 2013

lazy's home right now.. hasn't gotten on the train yet!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013


hai! yeah, it's been a while.

haven't been busy really. ok, a bit.

had a lot activities going on. this summer had been nothing but adventure, thank you.

we went to an island somewhere north. it's called Camotes. beautiful place. you should go sometimes.

we were there during the holy week doing un-holy things... what else is new, huh?

three days and two nights to be precise.

because we got too drunk and were nursing a bad hangover, we only managed to get to two tourist spot.

no regrets there. if you think about it, we were lucky to get by.

going there was an absolute nightmare considering the many people who decided to go there at that time.

we went early around seven in the morning, but got on the boat around two in the afternoon. we were in three groups and bought our vehicles with us. we almost had to leave ours because the ship could not accommodate anymore vehicle that day.

we got on-board alright but had to shell out more cash cos my company decided to get it "fix".

anyway, it was a nice place we stayed in. although, brown outs hit us in those two successive nights we spent there. the supply was just not enough for the demand. mosquitoes were amazingly rare, thanks to the good Lord above.

long story short, we got back in one piece and wasted all the way!

coming soon... next episode.

in the meantime, here are some images for your viewing pleasure... naks!

Saturday, April 06, 2013