Saturday, December 19, 2009

change.. i did.

no, i don't wanna be like 'em.

wtf was i talking about below?

i did change.

a lot.

lemme brag a bit...

i can push a 200 pounds of weight... [insert smiley and smirk here]

i can pull over 400s pound of weight... that ain't much, right?

i can squat just teh same amount of weight... ya should try it sometimes.

i'm betting my ass i can equal teh strength of of teh "strongest" guy in the gym in a year's time..

wanna bet???

yarp, can't believe it neither.


try bustin' yer chops a wad bit more... like start rampin' everything up, already!!

anyhow, i'm gonna dream about topping everything out.. next week.

watch me.

bragging OFF.