thought of sooooo many things to say.. i haven't collated everything. sucks, huh?
yeah it does.
anyway, my personal life's in disarray.. it might not look like it, but it does. work, as always sucks.. got a few things that needs immediate action or it'll blow over.
i'm prepared for the worst though.
home... ahhhhh home... these guys and gals can't get things done without being told how to do about it.. well, they do get things done only that they kinda suck along the way.
they suck literally. ya know, they can't even help putting food on the table, worst part is, they don't know how to conserve... they can practically drain our resources in a short span of time.. talk about days.. shit, these folks are animals... i can't even begin to enumerate the what's and the how's.
not to mention, some are a real pain in the ass.. they just know where to push your buttons.. well, most of the time, i don't mind 'em.
they can keep their miserable shits to themselves... i'll go on live my life.
today, tomorrow and for the rest of my life, i promise myself one thing.. and one thing only.. that is, to MAN-UP.
i can't worry about everyone else' issues.. if i do, it'll just drag me down.. na-ah!
no way never.. bitching about other's issues won't lead me anywhere but down.. stuck!
so yes, i won't worry my life away.. maybe a tad.
guess, i'm born like that...
set a new PR this week.. i finally flat bench press the darn 100 pound dumbbells for five repetitions! that took forever, yeah?!
that was my promise to myself that before the year ends, i should conquer the darn thing.. and i have..
my deadlift went up 180 kgs for one rep... not bad for an old timer, eh?!
lets sing together now..