Monday, January 02, 2012

2012. in the beginning....

it's New Year yet again.. no, i don't do all that resolution crap. i find it bragging. but it's nice if you want to be accountable. in a way, it's good. at least you'll be pressured to really make do of what you've been saying... at the same time, it'd be nice for your friends to gloat over your big effed-up.. that is, if you fail to keep up with what you've been bragging... so, unless you wanna eat some humble pie for the nth time, ya better shape-up and make all of 'em resolution happen.. otherwise, ya might wanna keep 'em to yourself --- shut yer piehole!

choose your battle.


well, what triggered that post above was whilst relieving myself at the comfort room in the office and reading some newspaper, i stumble on this section where showbiz personalities were asked of their new year's resolution.

whatever makes you sleep at night, hun.

meanwhile, i'm seriously thinking about migrating to wordpress.. have my own website, ya know. i should include studying web design and programming in my bucket list. the knowledge i'd get from that would be an awesome addition to my growing "toolbox."

it's not free anymore, though.

i'd like to risk a bit this year. try my luck on other fields. i was gonna post a long one tonight... only that at 21:10 i'm already feeling soporiferousness.. nice word, huh?


so, to make t h is l o n   g story sshhZZzzzzzzz...