Thursday, January 26, 2012


lazy got down from the train... what that means is, i'm effing getting lazy again 'bout this thing right here! yaikz!

well, if i really think hard about it, i've been a bad boy at getting really lazy with everything, to be perfectly honest.

lazy with work, them workouts, the chores.. etc... etc..

i don't think i like this road i'm taking. after such a busy few weeks early this month, it's been pretty much downhill. guess i relaxed.. a bit too much... ya don't wanna know how... hik hik!

anyway, still knockin' some serious weights off and the strength had been short of outstanding, albeit less consistent.. getting enough rest in between workout days is definitely important to me now. i feel stronger when i'm fresh. so that means i just go by feel. if i feel like i haven't recovered fully enough, i'm not gonna force the issue. mostly, i'm good to go late afternoons whilst before, early morning was a habit.

i use to do a lot of cable pulldowns before... but my lats sored a lot, lot more doing pullups, chins and the neutral grip. i'm learning how to kipp so that when it gets harder to pull myself up, my legs kinda kick-up a bit to sorta give me momentum.. nice move.

indeed, there's so much to learn but so little time.. right now, i wanna yap s'more but... it's just it, i'm so primed for bed..

Happy Birthday to my best pal, Earl.. he's really older now.. better get married and have children already man!!!