Thursday, July 05, 2012

stay alive.

my BP has gone haywire. along with being superstrong and well, HUGE, there's a price to pay. i think it's high time to change the phase. it's not healthy. admittedly, this was my goal - to get freakin' strong especially with the bench cos that's where i'm weak at. as a rule, being large and strong is relative. you don't become stronger by being puny, little pansie although there are a few people who are an exception.

so, having HBP is a bummer. i eat mostly fish though occasionally i'd go have a few servings of that fatty part: the head. it's crazy how much fat you can get when you eat that part of the fish especially the large ones.

anyhow, Taylor Swift is blasting on my boom-box (lol!).. i'm having a hard time bringing myself to a point. so, later again?

chill and stay out of trouble, boys and girls.