Wednesday, August 22, 2012


windfall... who doesn't want one, huh?

i must admit, we're kinda having that right now.. we're selling like hotcake! how ya like that?!?

a stark contrast when you compare it to the first and second quarter of this year. that's the reason why work is really UP and i mean waaaayyy UP than it was the last time.

anyway, we're kinda built for this... we, human? yeap. we have the ability to adapt. it's up to us to get our shez together, or crack.

your choice.

it's kinda fulfilling that after all that gruesome and bloody audit last week in our submitted documentations, we emerge unscatched. not only that, we beat other local dealers who has several people working in my kinda job. they were ordered to pay surcharges and under-collections of their previous payments. ugh!

some kinda feather on our cap, yeah?!?

eat that suckers!!!


all the glory to the good Lord above.

i know people who stop believing in God and instead believe on themselves. i have my questions and doubts of His existence myself. some people would laugh at you for still believing in God. forgive them.

i can't even begin to fathom the depth of all of these things.

one thing i can be sure of, whenever i'm trapped in a foxhole and there's no way out, i would call on His name and boy, the peace and that assurance that He will deliver me from my troubles... it's really something you can't find in this world.

so yeah.. i'm here cos of Him.