Tuesday, February 24, 2009

live another day

sniff.. sniff..

i'm not feeling well.

i think i'm gonna die real soon.

i'm not kidding.

ok, i hope i'm wrong... i do wanna live a li'l longer..

makes me appreciate life.. cos i haven't stop to "smell the flowers... "

it's all been about what i can get my hand into... no depth.. no excitement.. no sense of adventure.. hhhaaaaahhhhh... breath...

i dunno... life's got it's way giving you some sorta sick sense of humor... no, it ain't the good Lord..

but life.

we've been given the freedom.. to choose what's right and wrong.. freewill, anyone?

yah, you got it by default.

wish it wasn't that way... uhm, lemme rephrase it: wish i didn't have it.. ya know, freewill? let the good Lord decide what's good for me... life would have been easier, yeah?

anyhoo, hope to live another day... cos from where i'm sitting at... doesn't look good.

you did remember i posted about me having congenital heart disease from way back when, right?


start digging.