Sunday, February 22, 2009

smooth and slick


heyp! supp??

last night was pretty... my niece came by. he hails from my late momma's hometown. good to know he's gone richer as the days go by.

whenever we gather around, me, my pal, Earl and him, we love reminiscing the good ol' days.. ya know, i'm just 5 years older than him.. when he went to college, he stayed in our apartment.. so yeah, we're kinda like best pal instead of that dorky uncle-niece kinda like relationship.

those were fun days... we had lotsa time in our hands to do the darnest thing... on top of it all, i kinda dished in whatever "lessons" i can impart to him.. i dunno.. i barely remember one, but the dude loves to pick my brains out.

after all these years, i never thought those "lessons" i taught him would haunt me... well, there are good, bad and ugly things i taught him.. one thing stands out, he got richer, albeit, being shrewd..

i couldn't possibly lay claim to whatever "savvy-ness" in business he's got as this kid is a licensed Civil Engineer... in short, he eats Math for breakfast.. i don't. i puke with just a mere mention of it.

it's just that he oftentimes recall the things i said before and he kind of apply it - literally.

last night, whilst we had our drinking bout, he was being grateful for all the things he learned, and quotes the things i said before every now and then... to show how filthy rich he's become, he gladly foot our bills.. whattaman!!

anyway, looking at him now and how he kinda confuse things morally, not that i have so much to begin with, i had mixed feelings..

did i made the right impression??

yep, he's doing good and well, but what about his beliefs? i wouldn't mind if he was just a friend.. thinking and doing things like he does.. but he's my relative.

i'm his role-model. i may have 'cause' him to think otherwise such that he's slick with his business dealing, but on the other side of the coin, i may have corrupted his mind.

man, i'm confuse.