at 8:30 tonight, ya gotta turn off the lights for an hour... that's 20:30, military time.. this has something to do with some Earth day commemoration slash celebration mambo-jambo yet again thingy spearheaded by these so called "Environmentalist" wackos!
maybe we should include a "No-Smoking" or "No using of Car, etc." day... what else? hhhmmmmm.. turn off everything that uses electricity, fuel, and whatnot.. then, we might save our dear planet.. not some half-ass turn-off the light whatchamacallit gloopy crap.. sorry for the word, earthlings.
i rest my case.
anyhoo, accompanied Neil to his circumcision yesterday... prior to that, he was all giddy that he's about to become a "man."
when t'was time to get "the cut," he freaked out and wanted to bail.. not so fast, boy!
the docs and i tried to calm him down to no avail.. 'til he got a taste of that anesthesia injection... he realized it wasn't that painful.. so, the doc went about the whole "operation." though not as seamless as i expected, overjoyed when it was finally over albeit a few jerking from Neil here and there.
so, my son, welcome to manhood, bhoy!