Friday, March 20, 2009


hey man!


internet connection these day's a drag... i mean, it's almost like stone age again.. ya know, dial-up kinda thing...

sucks big time!

anyhoo, no point complaining.. it's just it.

whaddaya know? i now have two PC's, eh??! finally figured out what's bugging the relic one... i reckoned the PSU and the AVR connived and made me believed the PC has gone loco.. seems only those mentioned above are the effed one.. the rest are working perfectly fine... but not after giving me a huge headache... had to break 'em all down to pieces, literally!


answer: found.

so, now i need additional keyboard, mouse, joystick and a monitor.. damn, ey??

two is better than one, Albert Einstein said that.. does e=mc2 ring a bell?

yeah, just messing with your head there..

things are pretty dandy and the bases are well covered... thank you.

go fetch, err, figure!

later, homs!