weighted dips: bodyweight plus forty pounds of dumbbell for five reps.
for a guy whose had shoulder problem and cannot do even my own bodyweight, that's a lot!

to think i'm supposed to be "weaker" these days.
i'm not really getting weaker.. probably getting stronger, yeah.
lighter, in fact.
i'm still eating a lot but what i'm doing is finish all my carbs early afternoon and it'll be protein all the way through the night. or, if it's not possible, really lessen the carbs.
what's more, i cycle at night. some days steady state, on other days, HIIT.
thank God for laptop, torrent and movies, otherwise it'll be one helluva boring thirty minutes of pedaling to nowhere land.
so that means i can pretty much eat a lot since i'm doing more work.
but that's not the case.
repeat after me: less is more..
i don't really get all this into my head, ya know losing weight yadi-yada, but people come up to me and say i look leaner. to be honest, i don't wanna think i'm there yet cos then i'd start to relax.
so, even when my pants and shirts are getting loser, my belt had an added two holes cos my slacks are dropping like i'm hot haha, i don't bother with how i'm losing some flabs... after all, i'm still a work in progress.
i was gonna cycle yet again tonight but my knees are bummed, my hamstrings are shot, my CNS is still recovering from my legs workout yesterday, my arms aren't at par with my brain so what am i gonna do with all these chicken shit barrier on my way?
yeah, there's still lotsa days do all that.
i'll try to make it up tomorrow.
off to la la land..