Friday, March 18, 2011

oh my...

this is the mother of all tiredness...

i think i'm gonna get sick real soon..

hope not.

the super-bumped cardio is killin' me... whew!

my pal, Earl had been gone for a century now somewhere in the middle east and i haven't heard of him since.. watap, part?!?

anyway, i heard my drinking pal is back.. hope he's doin' fine too.. tbh, i wouldn't wanna bother him about going out and party.. tho my taste bud is eager to taste that ice freakin' cold alcohol, i have to pass.

another pal who had been gone for years and used to hold a really high position in the company i work with is also back.. he says it's for good.

he'll start monday. again, i hope we don't have to drink if and when we'd go hang out and party.. for real, man.

so i'm boring. so what?

i'll cross the bridge yadi yada..
