Thursday, December 15, 2011

overtraining.. could kill

i finally hit a one RM (rep max) of two hundred twenty pounds (220 lbs) on my barbell bench press the other day. it was a glorious day for me! well, if you're a hardcore lifter, that ain't much really. some can even get twice, thrice, four times as heavy. in my case however, it's BIG cos i've been benching since many years back wrongly.

once i got the proper form and it happened not too long ago, the numbers went up, finally.

i got a little too excited and well, overtrained along the way. my right elbow is a bit sore. my shoulders and upper pec are probably inflamed. i know when i overtrained cos the next morning, my body feels unusually warmer.

i have to stop some upper pressing movements as of the moment.. instead, had some lower body exercises and did a lot of pull-ups, chins and neutral positions (palm facing each other)... in that particular order as it represents the hardest to the easy part.

just trying to train smartly now and listen to what the body's saying. ya don't wanna force the issue when you know you'll end up injured.

i'm gonna do Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 really soon and hope to stick by it. i'm a fan of his training style and no BS comments and advise... pretty straightforward. however, i don't like his music, religion and steroids. any other beliefs not related to training, i have to skip it.

two days later of doing all sorts of chest exercises, am still fried.

i really have to start tapering down on this thing.. i'm not getting any younger, aaaahhhhhhhh!!!!

so. there.