i had a two day off from the gym... well, one was a needed respite, the other was just too much work. yeah, the work had been really riding me these days! it doesn't help that my effing supervisor is up my ass with pressure to get things done.. i'm actually having some kinda headache right now. ugh!
so much for that and on to my favorite subject...
another awesome shoulder workout today!
it didn't come as a surprise as i've been busting my chops to get my numbers up in doing shoulder presses. i've pretty much set a new PR (personal record) doing shoulder presses from the pins. roughly 190 pounds for a good three repetitions. i think that it had something to do with my grip strength. someone said and i agree that your ability to move the weight starts when you grip the bar. it's like when you hold the bar, you just go and picture tearing them apart. Dave Tate said something along that line and i must say, i'm a believer now of that principle.
anyway, i've pretty much gotten stronger in almost all facets of lifting.. but i'm not there yet. ya know, it's exciting and there are days that i look forward to just reaching my goal... it feels remarkable to have gotten that far and moving such amount of weight but at the same time it's frustrating when i realize i can't move any more weight cos my body, especially the CNS (central nervous system) is signalling me it's over. it is tired and exhausted and even though the mind is willing, the body has been weakened considerably.
so those are the highs and lows.
kroc rows and farmer's walk had gotten my grip stronger. they can also withstand longer use... in short, they tire a li'l longer than usual.
meanwhile, poseurs are scattered all over the gym like dog shit. hah!
you know, they must've started workin' out yesterday and today they're wearing top-tanks already. show-offs!
others look like they know their thing.. they go start bench pressin' with heavy ass weight but funny thing though, they just move the bar like a few inches off the rack. then after just 2-3 sets they go call somebody (usually, personal trainers) to help them move the weight. yeah, to sorta spot them but them PT's end up lifting the weights themselves.
i got one word for these people, LEAVE YER EGO AT THE DOOR, YA DIMWIT!
ok that's and handful, gotta a problem with that?
but, kidding aside, i use to be like that myself. these days, if i can't do it properly, i eat humble pie and lower the weights. i get better stimulation doing that and it's gotten me even more stronger.
last but not the least...