your chances of winning in a lottery is .000001 to nil.
so you're better off betting on a cockfight or in a casino.. you'd exponentially increase your chances than betting on some lottery. unfortunately, i don't win in this kinda game. wifey is the lucky one when it comes to raffles, games and gambling. she oftentimes brings something after a party where there's raffle. we've had LCD TV, a laptop, some cellphones, a few electronic stuff, etc. courtesy of her winnings.... a proof of how lucky she is.
so why am i talking about this? well, just recently the lottery station had been swamped with people wanting to bet on the lotto. grand prize was peg at roughly three hundred million. that's a lot! people would wanna have a piece of that, that's for sure judging from the people queuing up in droves. even i bet a few times..
some lucky folks finally hit the jackpot! good for them. hope it makes them better people and rub others with their good fortune.
meanwhile, thought i'd share that little "secret" i discovered in increasing my bench strength. it has something to do with how you grip the bar. i've read this a few times that when you grip the bar, you kinda want to bend it. so there. i experimented with how i place it on my palms. when i thought i finally got it, the bar just travels to its supposed trajectile rather nice and easy.
i got excited today and as useless, err, i mean as usual, got carried away! my shoulders are burning hot with all that lactic acid! just tore myself apart real good.
my li'l baby is all over me right now... buzzin' off!!