it was fun last night. thought i got hammered early on. i can tell.. when i see things differently like there's too much colors and rainbows, that's a tale tell sign. anyway, my best pal finally went with us. it was one helluva party! met a few gals along the way.. hehe
but really, didn't do anything nasty. t'was just a spur of the moment thing. somethin' about spur of the moment and being candid.. spontaneous. ya kinda get things done with it rather than contemplating and waiting.
best pal tried in vain. buddy was hammered and was just, well, waiting. i made the toast. then, we were talking...
no, this wasn't between us boys, ya schmoe.... now's a good time to use your imagination. jeje
other than touching them hips and all that huffs in between our ears, we went our separate wasted ways in peace.
office mate sms late this afternoon and requested a prayer. one co-worker is in grave condition, doctor said. he is on dialysis. his kidneys had given up on him. it's crazy how he was looking fine early this week. we always made fun of each other every morning cos we're usually the early ones. we go "are you aiming for the punctuality award?"
here's hoping he recovers and gets well soon. hang in there, bud.
when you're face with a problem, don't run away, face it! yep, that's what i learned. especially at work when there's a lot, ya gotta man up.
i better go and really absorb above cos right now, i'm not in the pink of health and i refuse to get myself checked. instead, i opt to self medicate.
message to self: FACE PALM!
random acts of whatever, donezo!