Saturday, February 03, 2007

last night, i went to my friend's place. we had a few beers, a Red Horse. didn't thought it was my lucky night.. his cousin was in town and he had to tour her around the city... well, lucky coz he treat me and the rest of his cousin's company, free food and drinks.

we had a grand time watching those gays in the uptown's comedy bar.. haven't been there for a year, i think. now my throat hurts for all that laughing i did.. syit!

hours later, we drop his cousin and company back to the place they're currently holed up and we went back out for more beers... this time, we went to a party place. guess, my "luck meter" was at all time high coz i got acquainted with a hottie young lady... well, nothing much happened other than us talking... y'know...

for months or weeks (whichever comes first), t'was the first time i got home at 4AM again! i was sooo drunk i could not remember how i made it back home... but i did remember not making it inside the house and slept in the garage!

well, that's my story of the day.

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