Sunday, February 11, 2007

smooth and slick

my home PC crashed two days ago.

yes, i'm very sad and frustrated. in it were files i've been keeping since college. my thesis, personal effects, mp3 collections, important documents and a whole lot of pictures... my software utility collections were also scorched with the whole thing.

so, shoot me for not backing all that up. i was able to keep those file for eons... i've never, in my wildest dreams thought i'd lost them all just like that. snap!

well, i'll live... that's for sure. thought me a good lesson.. no, a hard lesson.


better have one loyal, good, cool and best friend than having ten asshole friends. i live through this philosophy all my life. that's why after all these years, i know i can be a friend of anyone, anytime... but that's it, "friends."

it's a good thing i'm not into this party thing that much anymore coz i don't have to force things to happen. i don't have to make it a point that fridays and saturday night should be a "gimmick night." i don't have to go out of my way to meet friends somewhere, some place and be drunk all through the night. i don't have to "want" their company and waste my money and time talking about their angst with the world or their sexcapade with a bitchy whore... no, i don't have to put up with those shits.

i can live alone. no, my family's company is fine with me... that includes the dogs too. i can watch TV all day or surf the NET 'til i drop. i can drink my favorite beer in the company of others.. thru the NET that is and even have a better and a different form of conversation than being out there somewhere where i dunno how the hell i got home... doing anything new excites me.. dunno bout you..

when i grow tired of doing these "new" things, i can always message my "friends" out there... hangout and have fun again.. that's the beauty of being able to adapt to whatever comes your way... you can easily roll with it.. No BIG Deal.


reading the news today and seeing the current CRAPS, i mean crops of politicians running in the coming May elections...make me wanna puke! bunch of TRAPO's (traditional politicians), recycled and remnants of political dynasties are scampering for a political seat, be it from the administration or the opposition block... same colors actually... many don't have anything to stand on and are bunch of butterflies... political that is. they jump from one party to another. not to mention the actors and the actresses who wants to have a piece of the pie... opportunistic species breeds the political arena.. we want change? dang, i wish!

maybe we can all put them in one place like the coliseum and nuke 'em all! ha! ha! ha! that would be a sight to behold...

i guess i'm losing hope with our current political structure. everyone's got their own little agenda.. not too hidden by the way!

shit, i still have to fix my PC and i'm here yakking!!


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