Thursday, October 11, 2007

i'm back.

no, not the usual funfare please...

i said i needed a break, ayt?

i have a new uniform... weeee!!!! picture this: that mall guard wearing all blue, that's exactly how they look! haa.. haa... unfunny, indeed.

i may have been "out" in the cyberworld for a while now but i was never away.. took a different direction though to further my "growth". well, we all need a little break from where we've been stuck to... it's refreshing to discover new things and to go back where you've been a tad more rejuvenated.. well, that is, for me.

yesterday's iron pumping session was the lowest if not the worst workout i've ever had. i still had some pains goin through my legs as i went pass 200lbs for my squat the other day.. whew! so much harder, huh?

it was tempting to relax yesterday with all the work in the office/field...also got my bike's sprocket replaced cos the chain's starting to roll over. that took an awful lot more of time to finish... oh, the downtime just stalled me for hours and made me feel sleepy.

so, when everything was done and ready, even my when legs were still hurting, went ahead to the gym... but.... felt really different warming up. shoot, something's not right, here. anyway, started out with the incline bench press... first few plates, good.... but after going 170lbs. the damn bar got way too heavy! shesh, i did 200lbs. of this one before... WTF?

tried again, with a spotter this time... that's it, i can't friggin lift it! i must have plateaued already.... hmmmmm.. sooo many reasons but i hope i can improve next time.

..... to be continued.

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