this week's the last hurrah for my current gym... i'm goin out with a bang!
though i tried in earnest to keep it low.. as in being unnoticed and invisible, most of my mates there just can't keep their eyes off when i'm lifting.. what's a 330lbs deadlift, anyway? you should watch Dave Tate or Kara Bohigian squat and military press that weight, respectively, and you'll be blown away!
geez, i'll miss the convenience of pulling anyone of my mates to spot me on my heavy lifts.. the usual chatters.. the jokes... the friendship.. the respect i earned.. i know now what it means when people say you can't demand respect, you earn it.. it was a long road to get here, but i can't stop now.. i'm gonna aim higher.. no, not that respect thing.. it's something personal that i know in my heart i can attain..
shet, i'm being emo again.. better go now.. more on this "farewell tour" in the days to come...