the gas guzzlers are back on the street, yo homie!
obviously and thanks to the drop of oil/crude/gas in the world market.. we've got cars all over the streets, again.
our place, i guess, has the most fucked-up streets in Cebu City - narrow, rough, waaayy to many cars and people, limited to nil alternative roads.. you name it, we have it!
anyhoo, driving in and out of our place is definitely something i don't look forward to.. good thing my lower back is made of steel these days or it could've broken down a long time ago with all those pot-holes and rough roads i have to pass through.
during those times when the gasoline price soared to the roofs, vehicles traversing our area had dramatically lessened.. now, it's starting to jammed the streets again..
damn. damn. damn.
sucks both ways, eh?!
and since i'm talking about traffic and vehicles, lemme rant s'more.. besides, you don't really have a choice anyway..
what i really hate with some drivers i encounter while i'm driving either a bike or a cage, is when these assholes try to revved up their engines and try to intimidate me with their loud pipes or their hyuuge trucks or SUV's to sorta say, "hey, i'm loud and big.. better get outta my way!!"
sometimes i fancy carrying a sub-machine gun and just pepper those friggin' tires of them shmucks!
then there are those PUJ's (public utility vehicle) who would race you up front only to cut your way off... some drivers, eh?!
then there are snakes.. those fuckers who swerve in and out of traffic like they must be suffering from diarrhea or having some kinda itch down there.. they just have to drive that way to reach their destination - fast.
and some drive sooo slow like, hello??! ever use your side mirror or rear-view mirror, dimwit?? traffic is building up because of you ya stupid mother-fucker!
you should be driving a hearse!!!!
ok, i am calm... woo.. saa.. woo.. saa..
nuff ranting... for now.
i hate you!!!
yeah, i'm on DOMS right now.. ya know DOMS, right? no, not Dirty Old Man Sucks..
good. i know you're smart... otherwise, start digging, meathead.
i worked my arms the other day (the other day don't mean yesterday, right? cos i don't mean yesterday). as always, i pushed myself to the limit like Manny Pacquiao.. even if my "other self" kept sayin' slow down or stop, i just keep pushing and pushing.. thus, now, even though i took a rest yesterday, i'm still sore.
as scheduled, i'm supposed to be back in the gym today, but the thing is, i'm feeling sore..
need to test the water.. later.
for tomorrow...
it'll be WAR!