it's amazing how you can actually amaze people with the natural things you do.. meaning, by just being "normal."
like yesterday.
as you very well know, i had guzzled enough beer last monday that i thought of not going to the gym the next day... well, you guess it right. i didn't.
so yesterday it was...
i hate legs day.. i often have butterflies on my stomach when i squat.. it feels like i'm gonna blow my friggin' head off holding my breath.. walking back and forth the rack to get on and off the bar - an ordeal.
the front squat is just as pain in the shoulders as it is in the neck.. you definitely have trouble breathing when the bar is stuck tight unto your neck causing it to partially block your windpipe.. unracking is easy but racking the bar back to its place when you're tired pumpin' it up and down to the ground... a challenge.
since it is the hardest for my quad routine, i do 'em first.. one set, two set, three set... we're talking volumes here, bud.
on to my top set, people starts staring at me.. that's around 350 pounds or 160 kilos.. i'm trying to figure out why they're looking at me like that... must've been the thought of my back breaking down, or i couldn't go back up... or i'll just fall flat on my face!
or i just might be crazy or something!
anyway, i finished the 'ordeal' safely, thanks good Lord.
then a guy came up to me and said "that's over 300 pounds, doesn't it hurt your back/traps?" and i said "nope."
he must've been wondering why i'm not using some pussy foam to sorta lessen the pain with the bar and its weight digging-in on my back.
so i go (obviously catching his drift) "the foam makes the bar shaky."
"ah, ok."
i went further and said "it's actually my lower back that sores a bit when everything is done and over with."
then he went asking how i got there... ya know, the weight i'm able to put up with.. i said something like "i did it progressively.. loading the bar a few pounds each time.." but we all know it ain't really just it.. it's like a combo of things..
ok here's the secret: work your lower back, stupid!
i don't see a lot of guys doing good mornings and weighted hyperextensions.. all they do with their lower back is hit it with that machine thingy..
that's why i'm a big fan of Dave Tate and WestSide Barbell for their straight-up and no-nonsense approach to powerlifting.
i still have a lot to learn and lifts to surmount.. i just need to be careful or it's game over.
be back with other things to talk about.