how was your Christmas?
mine? uneventful.
well, does it have to be bangin' with all the food, drinks, friends, gifts and whatnot?
i don't really think so.
i'm no religion fanatic nor close to the good Lord right now but this i know...
we're celebrating Christmas because of the birth of Jesus, aight?
hhmmmm... if my memory serves me right He was born in a manger.. nothing flashy there.. no big baptism after-party.. no big-time drug lords, err, big-shot politicians as godfathers.. nada.
i don't even recall Him celebrating Vegas-kinda party during His birthdays.. unlike Pacquiao, eh?
so yeah, i couldn't care less if my Christmas ain't fancy like yers, homie.
so why am i saying this?
it's just amazing how people could put up with all that hassle and stuff going to the grocery queuing in line that takes like forever, buying all sorta gifts, party like a rockstah, etcetera, etcetera..
i mean, hey, have you even greeted Him "Happy Birthday, Lord!" whilst you were there enjoying the most dramatic moment of yer life?
like it's your party, huh?
do yourself a favor, honey.. thank the good Lord for the blessing you've been savoring.. if you're not as "lucky" as some people and all you've got this year are mostly, *cough* *cough* pain, you still have to be thankful cos you withered the storm, you survived and you are so much stronger now than you were before..
just sayin'.
so how was my Christmas? i was too tired to party, ya know.. as my post below says it, i got carried away doing arm-work in the gym i ended up lying in bed for a good number of hours just chillin' and musing.. thinkin' about how this year had been.. job-wise, there ain't much... but i've grown on other areas, so i'm happy.
if i wanna be "somebody" at work, i would've been it, but then it ain't gonna be fun.. as most guys and gals who got ahead of me.. they ended up quitting... some were too stressed and wound up sick..
to quote Beatles:
"i don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love..."
in other words, you can have a huge payin' job, but if you're not happy, what for?
anyway, time to call it day.. i had a good bangin' time earlier (for the nth time) in the gym.. some people stared in awe.. i get some 'respect points' among the pack for doing what i did.. next year will be awesome.. instead of buying me that wireless internet so i could go surf at home, i bought some supplements twice the amount of the latter to sorta up the ante.. this lifestyle's pretty expensive. as you get deeper, your supplementation needs goes higher.. you need pre, peri, post-workout drink.. not to mention, the stuff you've got to chow or guzzle down after waking up or before you hit the sack.. then you need some joint lubricants, etc. whew! it gets trickier as you progress.
it's still fun and challenging so i'm all for it.
Happy New Year!