got this distraction in the gym lately... sorry couch potatoes, this post ain't for you.. sit your asses in your nice and fancy La-Z-Boy recliners munching those trans-fatty chips, gulping soft drinks or beer while watching Rambo, Rocky or those testosterone laden Schwarzenegger movie.. or maybe you're playin' RPG games and whatever you can get your hands to, huh? yep, you can leave now and i'm done ranting.
i'm cool... i'm cool.. but i digress.
anyhoo, yeah, this lady is kinda distracting.. she's always wearing those tight leggings and super sexy tops.. whew!
just takes my breath away!
so there, i try not to be nicey-nicey with here cos we could end up having a relationship, great sex and all of that fancy stuff happening when you're in-love or in a mutual understanding kinda situation.. LOL!
she caught me a few times stealing glances and vice versa.. guess i appreciate her moves.. she's pretty knowledgeable with the things she does.. impressive, gotta say.
not too many femmes can do that.. two thumbs up to her!
*cough* *cough* i think she feels the same way for me... assuming!
so what's distracting you ask? well, she's always showing me (ok, us) her nice behind.. she'd bend over and do all that back exercises (some aren't even targetting the back muscles!) sorta, kinda flirtatious moves.. it screws up my darn breathing and tempo when i'm lifting.. damn it!
i can sense that she wants to say "hi" at me.. it's almost like she's just waiting for me to nod at her and we'll be best of friends forever and ever.. amen.
i know.. too forward of me, aye?
sometimes i wish we don't bump at each other at all.. then maybe i could do better in the gym.. on the other hand, it's nice having her around, cos then, me and the rest of the guys can draw some sorta inspiration.. after all, part of this whole gym thingy is to impress the opposite sex, right?
i feel bad when she's done and the first to go between us.. kinda think, "when are we gonna meet again, She?" i reckon Sheila's her name.. heard someone who knew her call her by that name..
it's nice to be inspired once in a while.. makes you feel young, and to some extent, a teener again.. 18 'til i die! ha ha!
met my partner earlier.. we had a nice talk.. we'd actually spot each other when the need arises.. unfortunately, we couldn't train synergistically since we're doing things differently.. i'm a natural while he's on gear.. i need a day or two to recover while he can recuperate quicker.. then there's whole lot of difference in our work zone, nutrition, etc.
so, it's a mismatch!
like today i had chest and back while he's doin' biceps, forearms and abs.. we never go swak on our training protocols..
we just have to work around our differences and hope we can still help each other out...
bottom line: we share the same passion.
more on this later, bud..
gotta flee!