Sunday, June 21, 2009

father time


yerp, that's what i'm good at these days.

har.. har..

uhm, i'm having a ball with this torrent thingy.. ooopppsss!!!


oh, 'bout last week's house blessing of my gym buddy slash competitor (friendly) slash namesake, etc.

t'was awkward.

i dunno but the guy wants to be my super-friend. nah, i'm not known to be one.. i've been burned a lot with these so called "friends" before thus, my attitude.

just like Angelina Jolie, i don't trust no one. as in nada.

well, i admire his charisma... his ability to speak his mind, rather, spontaneously and i'm afraid to say, the dawg does make a lot of sense.

makes me feel less.


ok, not really. we all have our own forte.

i shine in my own little way, tell ya that... i'd love to brag about it, but it's for you to find out.


i don't know.

i am just as stranger of my own self.

it's a journey...

a continuing discovery..


but i digress.


i'm a snub.

even the hottest girl in the gym, they'd probably think i'm gay!

well, cos i don't make contact... not even a glance.. har har!

what for??

i'm just it.

not friendly.

but some people just couldn't resist... they make the first move.

like this week, i got a few guys come up to me and start a conversation.

one guys seyz, "you always love it there.. in the power rack, yeah?"

"yep," i said stoically.

one thing led to another, next thing i knew i'm friggin' giving him advices.


another guy saw me doin' something ridiculous (in his eyes), blurted somethin' like, "are you into powerlifting?"

"nope. i do this all for fun."

and he said, "well, i'm outta shape that's why i'm doin' some hi-repetition stuff."

at the back of my alcohol fried brain i said, "whose asking, homie?"

anyway, i said i'm just like him before.. outta shape.. as in, inside and out.

fat, drunkard, smoker (i can smell his breath 50 meters away he's been puffing marloboro!), short of breath... yadi yada..

he said, "well, don't drink, but i smoke a lot!"

there's yer answer, bubba!

quit wondering.

my bad on the drunkard part.. you look like one. hik hik!


another day, another foreigner came up to me and said, "whoa there mate! you train like three hours??!!"

i said, "nope. about two."

"were you in that bodybuilding seminar?" he blurted.


he said, "well, the speaker sez one hour is more than enough... man, i'm 56, i gotta really start slow and work my way up.."

"whatever." i rolled my eyes whispering.

i did noticed how he took real good care of his joints... he kept rolling his shoulder and stretched out his arms and chest every reps.

good job!

then he mentioned that after hours of eating iron, he's freakin' hungry and who knows what the hell is goin' through his mind... what about moi... how do i deal with the pang??

i said, "well, that's why i got some sugar-coated peanuts ready for some poppin'."

"smart move!"

"gotta go now!"

i said "bye" and head down to the cardio area.

gotta get me that boom boom pow time!