the journey continues...
last year i thought of going through this whole dieting thing and spoke about it here.. but i didn't walk the talk.
this year, i felt i needed to prove to myself that i can still turn things around if i wanted to. ya know, i've been comfortable resting in my laurels.. happy with how a beast i'd become in the gym. easily, i'm the strongest mofo there.
what i noticed though is that however strong i got, i'm easily out of breath whenever i climb some stairs. even just walking around the mall i'm easily exhausted.
today, i feel lighter. yet, i haven't stop being strong. of course, my numbers are a tad lower than when i was eating like a monster. but, i'm happy.
last week, i collected my winnings.. crazy how a lot of my officemates (even my boss) wanted some treat. dude, it's more expensive eating this way than when i was eating anywhere to my heart's content, tell ya that.
in fact, i spent more than what i've won!
oh, the irony.
it was Valentine's Day when i weighed in so next month around the same day, i'd like to know how much i've lost again.. this isn't some yo-yo diet wherein i go lose today, gain some again days later.. no!
i'm well aware of that rebound thing when you lose so much in a short span of time you'd balloned again all of a sudden.. so i gotta be consistent. if i cheat one meal or one whole day, i'd get back on track right away.
i haven't been more motivated to do some serious shiz in my life than this year.. with the help of the Almighty, i plan on stepping everything up this year and make this one count.. coz i've been dormant since forever.. hah!
so, Good Morning!