Thursday, August 17, 2006

that's what i'm talking about!

you heard me!

yep, i'm talking to myself. had one too many drink last night and got into a situation i'm freakin' scared about. getting really, really drunk pass 1am.

it was pre-meditated, i know. i didn't anticipate the few hotties who joined us later, though. damn, this is gonna drag all night long... you know, the cheap talking, a few rubbing... touching here and there. syeet, i'm gonna be late, honey!

all i really wanna do was talk to louie and tell him boyet had arrived and met up with me last tuesday. catch up with anything and everything, compare notes (he just started working out) with our gym session and drink a whole lot of beer. well, that was the plan.

ahhh! girls, ladies, women, bitches... something strange about you... i just can't resist...

so who the fuck cares if i'm drunk at 1am? me and only me. my scar is still fresh, bitch....and, it so happened that i got tons of work to do (ok, i'm exaggerating things a little bit here) today and history dictates that whenever yours truly is so freakin' wasted in those unholy hours, i'm bound to call it sick the next day. and it happened.

even though i managed to be up by 7am, i was still feeling boozed. the most logical thing to do, Zzzzzz again.

at any rate, today didn't all go to waste. when i finally managed to haul myself out of bed, went to work and had a decent outing.

BTW, had quite a surprise when i browse this masterpiece blog of mine (just roll with me here) and read a nasty comment about that "Sexiest Filipina Bloggers" post i had yesterday. though it was ,uh, pretty atrocious, to say the least, i was glad it wasn't some darn spammers again.

well, dunno much about her except for the few quotes i've read from THIS site and of course doing some "extra mile" of sleuthing. however, everything about her had been firewalled because of the recent events.

enough said, i'd like to get back on my favorite game (which i'm playing again after a yearlong hiatus), generals.

peace out.

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