Thursday, November 01, 2007

what if...

instead of the veins the bones will pop out from my wrist... or shoulder... or legs?

yeah, i thought about that too...

i have this friend in the gym whom i thought was a total ass cos he just go wherever he pleases and grabs anything without asking anybody if it is still being used... worst, he doesn't return it and just leaves it on the floor or some place where you could accidentally bump yourself into.

whenever we crossed path, i'd usually top his lifts to let him know "i'm better" and i'd purposely drop the plates or the bar on the floor to piss him off or shoooo him away... well, cos i'm annoyed by his bad habits..

eventually, he was able to get my drift and i earned his respect... to make the long story short, we ended up being buddy.

i've finally realize why he's such an ass before... it's probably because he's rich and for that, a brat. and so when the smoke cleared and things started to settle down, he understood and learn to be sensitive to other people around him.

one thing about this guy i didn't know? he's such a kid... a nice kid at that. so now we'd end up talking once in a while during our breaks and he asks for my advices.. really. i should consider being personal trainer as my next career move... someday.. we'll never know...

and this guy got the scare of his life when he was looking at me loading plates after plates and did some super heavy presses and lifts that he pop this question: "what if things go wrong and your bones gives in or your back (spine) can't take it no more... or your shoulders snaps?"

well, shit happens even to the best of us... quite frankly though, the thought of it didn't scare me at all... i have crashed my motor bikes a number of times before, twisted my ankles, fractured some bones, peeled some skin... bruises all over (including my ego)... but i still ride my bike... i still go hard and fast if and when the condition permits... i floored four on the floor so many times when i'm driving a cage...

sure, sure, things had changed but am still the same... i just have to deal things a little differently, now.... shift gears and take the higher road...

so, am still kicking ass out there but i always remember what my late grandma kept telling me whenever i'm out there in the fences doin some acrobatic stunt, BE CAUTIOUS!

aaaahhhhh.... time to zit... and Happy Halloween everyone!

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