Wednesday, April 09, 2008


what the hell is going on with the world today?

soaring gas prices...

rice shortages...

prices of basic commodities will also rise very soon...

people masturbating in public?

gangs shooting on each other and innocent bystanders...

teenage pregnancy on the rise (our place would probably rank in the upper half)..

traffic all over the place..

etc.. etc.. etc..

man, man, man!!!

some bad luck is on a rampage here... or is it even luck?

tsk.. tsk..

guess the world is being sodomized, eh?

or maybe it's the wickedness?

aaahhhhh... whatever..

somehow reading all this stuff and actually experiencing the difficulties first hand just bums me out and messes up my day... not to mention, my work had been increasingly taxing it's getting strenuous to get things done... must be the reason why i've been constantly late for work for months now, thus the memo..

getaway from me, Satan!!!

...switching channel in a huff.