nice to end the week with a bang, eh!
both work and "play." i call my training "play" cos i enjoy the exhilaration, the gasping for air and the soaking sweaty feeling.. not to mention, the pain during and after the session..
i know.. i know..
it's sickening to be me.. haha!
Neil, my son is taking summer classes.. some language, speed math and some arts. i haven't seen him for quite sometime being excited in school... only now.
actually, he studied at STI since grade I, if my memory serves me right. i think they have a nice system going there.. quite advance for an elementary, but....
what's abominable about the whole thing is they don't have a lot of experienced teacher. meaning, they don't know how to deal with kids like Neil whose a hyper and a little bit on the naughty side.
not only that, they give assignments that literally makes the parents (or whoever that is) do the teacher's job. several pages of this subject, a few here, a tad there.. man, are they kidding?!
what's more, the kid won't have time to play anymore since he'll immersed doing all that BS school work at home.. basically, what they're doing is taking away the fun of going to school.
since both me and wifey are too busy with our own work and business, respectively, we opted to hire a tutor who teaches at their school, but only to find out that they didn't do some assignment or finish their much needed lessons to be studied... cos they "ran out of time.."
so, given that Neil's score and grades are declining steadily, expectedly, his self-confidence went downhill from thereon.. what added more pain to injury, we as parents were pretty much remiss in our duty to monitor his activities in school... why is that you ask? our home is pretty far away from where we work so we barely visits his teacher and keeping tracks of his activities in there..
he practically made a 360 degree turn in terms of his performance as well as his behavior that i was just complete taken aback by the feedbacks i get from his teachers.
my God, we've created a monster!!!
anyway, the problem was compounded by a lotsa things and i, his father, take responsibility for whatever he's become. but, the school's system made things even worst.
get this, the first honor student would sleep around 1am just to finish her homework. she's an honor student alright but geez, where's the fun there? and here's more, the second honor student's mom swayed us to move with them to another school cos she can no longer stomach doing all the "teaching" through the assignments passed on by the teacher.. she ends up yelling her kid when he doesn't get the lesson right away, and in her most frustrating moment, hurts him.
there's still plenty of story to tell here but i gotta save that for tomorrow... cos i'm dead tired, homs.
forgive the typo errors... i'm about to ZZzzzzzz