Wednesday, December 05, 2007

bbbbrrrrr.... sooo hard to wake up in the morning these days.. sooo cold and sooo christmas already, eh?

if you've been drinking diet sodas in lieu of the real deal, you might wanna read this article Do Diet Sodas Make You Fat?

never been a fan of those stuffs.. never crave nor want any of 'em as my "water."

i'd probably go for sports drink like gatorade. and maybe those real teas... not the reel ones.

for coffee brakes, i'd have three in one and a pack of choco powder.. just the right combo..

just recently, i saw a tv ad about milk tea? been mixing that stuff since forever.. they should have oats, coffee and milo (or anything chocolate) in it too.. i'd say, it won't be long before they'd come up with that concoction.

they have instant oats now in small sachets, right?


Man opens fire at Omaha mall, killing 8

i guess these things are happening because of the advent of these new gory computer rpg games. i enjoyed it a lot, though. but for some people, they are no longer satisfied killing "terrorist" or "aliens," they want to do the shooting first hand and in person now?

and that's when the problem starts emerging.

i wanna rant s'more but it's too early to go on a rampage mission.

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