Tuesday, November 04, 2008


i'm tired of writing... this crap right now, i just have to let it out.. so, bear with me.. you hear?

uhm, i mean, you read?

why i'm tired? well, i've been doin' a lot of work.. in the office and at the gym.. the office.. that's the easy part even though it's a li'l stressful.

in the gym however, i've pretty much turn up the heat... like in all corners, hombre!

one hour of bangin' ain't easy, tell ya that.

so i finally devise a way of limiting my time but at the same get as much volume in my workout as possible...

i've discovered H.I.T. the hard way.

instead of pyramiding the weights, after a brief warm-up, i start lifting from the top of my work set..

whoa! you should try it sometimes.

'strong guys' in the gym should be wary of me... they're strong, alright... but they're on roids!

at least, i know of some... i know the signs and symptoms of one who is on 'gear.'

i am a natural lifter.

i'm in route to eating 120 pounds of dumbbell... in time.

90 pounds is still tough... but months ago, 80 pounds was tough too!

now, they're not an 'enemy' no more..

someday, 90 pounds will be easier and it'll be my 'friend'... soon.

when that happens, i'm ready to move up the weight yet again.. mu ha ha ha!!!!

i caught Meo, the resident bodybuilder, peek at me whilst i eat those dumbbells... 30 pounds more Bubba and we'll be equal..

my squat is up, by the way... i got to 330 pounds earlier and that excludes the weight of the bar.


i'm a little upset, though... i didn't squat sooooo low like the guy below:


tired. bored.

and out.