Saturday, November 29, 2008

QuaD CannoN

i dunno what happened yesterday... t'was legs and lower back day.. i work my legs twice a week.. usually, the first is i do the whole nine yards.. quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves.. while the next legs day is like yesterday's.. just the quads and then i throw in some lower back exercises..

started with the front squat.. 1 set.. 2 sets.. etc..

on to my last set, my quads started to sore.. worked it last tuesday yet and yesterday's friday, but then it's still friggin' sore??

what the??

ok, so nothing i can do there, momma.. it's just it.. i'll roll with it. besides, it's the lower back that needs more attention..

went ahead doing back squat, deadlift, hyperextensions, good mornings, and that lower back machine..


i'm losing motivation these days.. hitting the iron is like an ordeal - not something i look forward doing.. guess that cancelled week-off is the culprit.. i should seriously consider taking that.. maybe next month.

i'm usually raring to come back after a week off..

this, however, is exciting...

i'll be watching it on PPV...