get over it.
move on.
life's short.
this is message is for you. you reading this? good.
yeah, some people can't just get over themselves.. why don't cha forget the past and while you're at it, erase whatever traces of anything between you two?
sounds easy, ey?
it is.
you just have to do it... otherwise, you are on denial trying to say one thing yet thinking another.. uhm.. like getting into each other's arm again? live happily ever? do i have to jolt you off your seat to wake up already?!?
now, i have this pesky texter who keeps on texting me the whole day.. sometimes we'd end up talking about sex. he/she confessed to have over 200 "friends" or shall we call text-mates.. damn, that should qualify him/her to a Guiness World Record, yeah?
him/her cos i'm not too sure if he's/she's a she or otherwise.. haven't heard his/her voice though i tried calling... am not too excited either to know or see him/her.. damn, i'm getting tired with this! lets just pretend the person is a female, aight?
anyway, i'm not the jealous kind, but i'm not too keen on sharing when it comes to the opposite sex.. unlike RAJ whose all too willing to share everyone he bedded, i don't.
i want to be exclusive... me alone. if you're "fishing" for a guy/date and text message everyone else to sorta "ride" with your trip, consider me.. NOT.
if i'm gonna risk it, it'd better be worth the trip, otherwise, i won't budge.
been there, done that.
it hurt like hell and i won't fall for it EVER again.
when it comes to "those" things, i don't look forward for anything.. i just let 'em fall into its right places... my Dad loves this song, "Que Sera, Sera..."
i like the thought, but no, not so much the song..
i just got to 340 pounds with my deadlift. nice.. nice..
i haven't been breaking my personal records (PRs) since i got back, but i've been working on other things.. and it's not the end of the year yet.
the gym instructor had been calling me "Hulk Hogan" not because i look anywhere close to HH but for the brute strength i've been showing around.. can't stop the strange stares from other gym-goers though, but what can i do, this is how i roll when i'm workin' out?!?
deal with it.
and then on Friday we'll be having our Award's Night. the food's in-charge needed volunteers.. one of my officemate prodded me to go for it cos i now look like a "bouncer!" damn, can i take that as a compliment?
geez, this bulking phase better be over soon... i guess it's also good to look forward to something better in the future.. keeps me goin' and motivated.