i wanna sleep!!
tired and overtrained from yesterday's session/s.
i went to "test drive" the gym my officemate, Tina, is a member of.
it's like apples and lemons if you compare it to my current gym. the place has a very nice ambience, the people, lets just say they smell better.. haha! and the equipments? whoa!! i love it there, mate.. superb, to say the least.
i guess i have outgrown my current gym.. pretty much done everything there.. swept all the dumbbells (from the lightest to the heaviest), racked up most plates in most machines.. got all the raves from vets to noobs (y'know, the ooohhhss and the aahhhhsss, the unusual starings etc.), gained respect (yep, it's nice to have one in there especially if you work and bust your ass hard) shet, it's getting less challenging, to be honest.
thus, now i feel i need to bring my "A" game somewhere else where it'd be more challenging, things will be like "new" again, loads of techniques to learn and lotsa girls waiting, err, i mean, new equipments to de-virginized.. haha!
i got about three weeks to decide.. after my gym due, i'd take a week break to rest and deload.. think things over..
though it's a little pricey, it's worth every penny..
but nothing's final yet 'til the fat lady farts.. lol!
my buddy, Boyet, is coming over from NJ. i remembered the last time we had "fun," we morning the night away!
tell you what, i can only count with my two hands the number of real friends i have.. i probably have hundreds of "friends..." and they all come and go.. it's not the number, homs, it's the quality of friends.. those who'd stand by you no matter what.. who'll never desert you whether you're up or down..
that, to me, matters more than anything else.
so, to all my friends out there, reel or real, i am your friend forever.. no matter what...
i think i'm gonna cry now..