the routine is getting tougher everyday.. one English guy approached me and asked why i'm being an ass and do all that heavy lifting.. well, something to that effect, and he further queried whether i even thought about getting some sorta definition instead of doing all that powerlifting when apparently there ain't no powerlifting competition around the corner.. i replied by whopping his ass!!
i politely replied that well, this is a personal quest for me, chump. would you be competing if you wanna have six pack? i bet not. how about a huge chest or a define shoulders? how about a massive quads? nope, right? we all have our goals and i happen to set mine on stone early this year - hit the 300 pound mark on bench, squat and deadlift.. where have you been surfing the net all this time, English man?
but seriously, what i've been lifting are waaayyyy too puny compared to the guys i've met in some forums.. they'd bench what i could squat.. how's that?
when i'm done with this phase i'm gonna switch gears and do the most ambitious phase i'll ever be... cutting down.. while at it i'm gonna go for that sex, err, i mean, six pack... we'll see what happens...
meanwhile, i have some more stories to tell but i gotta go now.. maybe later.